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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Enchantress-Auistha Guide

Its ulti depends on the range of you and your enemy once there is a fella who can launch up to 600attk+ damage..WTF!!??

Auistha Item Guide
-Linken's Sphere
-Boots of Travel

Lord of Avernus-Abaddon Guide

Abaddon-Guide of Late-game Items

-2 Battlefury
-Sange and Yasha
-Vanguard/Upgradable to Heart of T.
-Phase Boots

Oblivion-Pugna Dota Items Guidance

Pugna's Item Build 2009

Late game Items
-Dagon Level 5
-Blink Dagger
-Boots of Travel
-Black King Bar

Phantom Assasin-Mortred Guide

Phantom Assasin Item Guide

Luxury Item:-Late game Item Build

-Power Treads
-Sange and Yasha
-2 Butterfly
-Buriza..although it does not stack with ulti..but it could help with the critical strike

Dark Seer-Ish'kafel Guide

Dark Seer Item Build

-Sange and Yasha
-Shiva's Guard

Holy Knight-Chen Guide

Chen New Item Build

-Shiva's Guard
-Blink Dagger
-Dagon Level 5
-Boots of Travel
-Assault Cuirass

Faerie Dragon-Puck Dota Guide

Puck's 2010 New Item Build

Luxury Item
-Linken's Sphere
-Boots of Travel
-Dagon Level 5
-Shiva's Guard


Skeleton King-King Leoric Guide

S.K. new build
-Phase boot
-Power Treads

Skeleton King's ulti is reincarnation..with refresher and aegis..hahah it is gonna be refreshing

Skeleton King-King Leoric Guide

Obsidian Destroyer-Harbringer Guide

Obsidian Destroyer Item Guide

Late game Item
-Boots of Travel
-Dagon Level 5
-Linken's Sphere
-Hyperstone/Sange and Yasha/Radiance

Tidehunter-Leviathan Guide

Tidehunter Item Build

-Boots of Travel
-Blink Dagger
-Shiva's Guard

But I might prefer radiance better than scepter in ganking..it helps me in getting Ultra Kill before

Death Prophet-Krobelus Guide

Death Prophet-Krobelus Dota Item Guide

Luxury Item
-Power Treads/Boots of Travel
-Dagon Level 5
-Blink Dagger
-Shiva's Guard
-Bloodstone/Linken's Sphere

Spectre-Mercurial Guide

Mercurial Dota Guide

Skill Build

Level 1-S.D.

Item build

(level 1-9)
-Quelling Blade
-Stout Shield

(level 10-16)
-Power Treads
-Manta Style

(level 17-25)
-Heart of T.

Lycanthrope-Banehallow Guide

Banehallow Item Guide

Luxury items
-Sange and Yasha
-Cranium Basher
-Power Treads
-Vanguard/Heart of T.

Alchemist-Rassil Darkbrew Guide

Alchemist Dota Guide

-Heart of T.
-Mask of Madness
-Sange and Yasha
-Assault Cuirass
-Blink Dagger
-Shiva's Guard/Guinsoo

Admiral-Daelin Proudmoore Guide

Admiral-Daelin Proudmoore Item Guidance

Luxury Item
-2 Battlefury
-Helm of Dominator
-Blink Dagger
-Heart of T.

Another skill-aiming hero...above the picture is the ulti of Admiral...try mastering all skill-aiming heroes so it is easy to play a nice professional game

Gorgon-Medusa Item Guide 2010

Medusa Item Guide

Late game Items

-Linken Sphere
-Sange and Yasha
-Power Treads
-Radiance/Chain Lightning

You may buy Chain Lightning for Medusa to make it more 'invulnerable'
Take a look at the pics above

Demon Witch-Lion Guide

Demon Witch-Lion Item Guide

This is the build that I had learnt for the past few years after the competition..

2008 Lion's Item Build
-Shiva's Guard
-Blink Dagger
-Dagon Level 5
-Boots of Travel

Straight combo= Necro..Stun..Hex..Attk...Ulti..Dagon...Blin..Attk..Shiva

Well I think after the ulti the hero would not survive

Clockwerk Goblin-Rattletrap Guide

Clockwerk Goblin-Rattletrap Item Build

Core item
-Magic Staff
-Phase Boots

Luxury Item
-Heart of T.
-Power Treads

Keeper of the Light-Ezalor Guide

KOTL-Ezalor Dota Item Build

Late-game Item

-Boots of Travel
-Dagon Level 5
-Shiva's Guard
-Guinsoo/Blink Dagger

Lich-Kel'Thuzad Dota Item Guide

Lich-Kel'Thuzad Item Guide

Lich spam skill is at its best..Ulti plus 1st skill damn pain

2010 Lich's Build

-Blink Dagger
-Boots of Travel
-Shiva's Guard
-Dagon Level 5

Visage-Necrolic Guide

Necrolic Item Dota Guide

Late-game Items

-Guinsoo Scythe of Vyse
-Shiva's Guard
-Boots of Travel

Bristleback-Rigwarl Guide

Bristleback-Rigwarl Guide

Actions: Slow and Spam

Bristleback Item Build

-Blink Dagger
-Assault Cuirass
-Boots of Travel
-Heart of T.

Priestess of the Moon-Mirana Guide

Potm-Mirana Item Build

Aiming hero...needs timing and perfect skill to perform better performance

Item build 2009 by [The Pro] Dota team

-Power Treads
-Monkey King Bar/Stygian Desolator
-Manta Style

Venomancer-Lesale Deathbringer Guide

Venomancer-Lesale Deathbringer Guide of Playing Pro

Suggested skill build
Level 1:Shadow Strike
2:Poison Sting
3:Shadow Strike
4:Poison Sting
5:Shadow Strike
6:Poison Nova
7:Shadow Strike
8-10:Plague Wards
11:Poison Nova
12:Plague Wards
13-15:Attribute bonus
16:Poison Nova
17-23:Attribute bonus
24-25:Poison Sting

Item Build 2010

-Power Treads
-Helm of Dominator
-Monkey King Bar
-Lothar's Edge

Lightning Revenant-Razor Guide

Lightning Revenant-Razor Item Guide

Razor has 3 item builds...I am very lazy to put all 3 so I just put one of it

Razor's Item

-Power Treads
-Eye of Skadi
-Lothat's Edge
-Sange and Yasha

Item to consider

Bull-shittingly try buying Buriza and see what you will get

Bane Elemental-Atropos Guide

Bane Elemental-Atropos Item Guide

^^ One of the nice spamming-skills heroes..it is good especially its ulti..but DO NOT MOVE A MUSCLE haha...Happy Playing!!

Late-game Items
-Blink Dagger
-Shiva's Guard
-Boots of Travel
-Eul's Scepter of Divinity
-Dagon Level 5/Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

Remember not to move when performing ulti..getting blink dagger and mp healing is a priority..NICE WORK PEOPLE

Friday, June 18, 2010

Omniknight-Purist Thunderwrath

Omniknight-Purist Thunderwrath Guide

Great ally especially in health points healing

Late game items
-Phase boots
-Assault Cuirass
-Arcane Ring

Perhaps level 5 dagon and linken's sphere might also help in battle such as ganking..killing rate should be fast too

Stealth Assasin-Rikimaru Guide

The keypoint of playing Riki is to get invi as soon as possible..the get something for your regen or lifesteal...by that get something that increase your ms and your attk speed...

S.A.-Rikimaru Item Guide

-Sange and Yasha
-Power Treads
-Radiance/Yet perhaps another butterfly might do the trick

Sand King-Crixalis Guide

Sand King-Crixalis Guide

Early game items
-Power Treads
-Blink Dagger

Butcher-Pudge Guide

Butcher-Pudge Item Guidance

My 3rd Pudge item build

Since pudge is in need of mp for hook and hp for rotting..so I think I got a nice build for pudge in solving these two problems

Late game items
-Hood of Defiance
-Boots of Travel
-2 Heart of T.
-Linken's Sphere
-Vanguard/Radiance to help out with the rot

Axe-Mogul Khan Guide

Axe-Mogul Khan Guide

Late Game Items

-Blink Dagger
-Heart of T.
-Vanguard (2x)
-Satanic/Another Heart

Juggernaut-Yurnero Guide

Juggernaut Full Item Guide

-Quelling Blade
-1 Wraith Band
-1 Healing Salve
-1 Clarity potion

End-game Items
-Quelling Blade
-Power Treads
-Assault Cuirass

Doom Bringer-Lucifer Guide

Doom Bringer-Lucifer Item Guide

Not much about D.B. but as soon there is a new guide I will certainly inform

Late Game Item

-Boots of Travel
-Assault Cuirass
-Quelling Blade

Troll Warlord-Jakarall Guide

Troll Warlord Item Guide

Early Game
-Quelling Blade
-1 Healing salve
-Boots of Speed

Mid Game
-Quelling Blade
-Power Treads
-Mask of Death

Late Game
-Lothar's Edge
-Power Treads
-Heart of T.

Happy Playing ;)

Kardel Sharpeye-Sniper Guide

Kardel Sharpeye-Sniper Item Guide

Core Item
-1 Wraith Band
-1 Boots of Speed
-1 Healing Salve

Luxury item
-Helm of Dominator/Mask of Madness
-Power Treads
-Monkey King Bar/Divine Rapier

Night Stalker-Balanar Guide

Night Stalker-Balanar Guide

Core Item
-1 Healing Salve
-1 QuellingBlade

Well I don't have a proper item guide from the discussions of my team but I will put my personal guide temporarily..

Luxury Items
-Power Tread
-Cranium Basher
-Sange and Yasha
-Heart of T.

Lone Druid-Syllabear Guide

Lone Druid-Syllabear Item Guide

Core Item
-Quelling Blade at the start
-1 Healing Salve

Luxury Item For Syllabear
-Quelling Blade
-Boots of Travel
-Assault Cuirass
Maybe if you farm well but you keep dying..SERIOUSLY?..go get yourself aegis..

Luxury Item For Spirit Bear
-Quelling Blade
-Power Tread
-Cranium Basher

Items to consider :-
For Syllabear
-Black King Bar

For Spirit Bear
-Stygian Desolator

Storm Spirit-Raijin Thunderkeg

Storm Spirit-Raijin Thunderkeg Guide

Oh S.S. one of the nice spamming dota characters..perhaps some mana points healing in the game?..

Core item
-Boots of Speed

Luxury Item
-Power Treads /Boots if Travel
-Dagon Level 5
-Linken's Sphere
-Shiva's Guard

Shadow Fiend- Nevermore Item Guide

Shadow Fiend Guide

Core item:
Maybe playing as 'taufu' in early game you might as well just get some thing that tanks..
-2 Wrath Band
-1 healing salve
-Boots of Speed

Luxury item
-Manta Style /Lothar's Edge
-Boots of Travel
-Sange and Yasha